Wednesday 23 October 2019

Take Away Tales in November

Many thanks to Hackney author Luan Goldie for coming along to chat about her brilliant debut novel Nightingale Point this week. If you've not read it, we recommend you do. Here it is at Harper Collins

Next meeting of the writing group will be Tues 5 November, 6.00 - 7.30pm, at CLR James Library. For this session we thought we'd have a read-through of our Take Away Tales contributions. To recap: in November we're planning to create a display in the library where customers can take away flash fiction pieces by members of the group. The only stipulation is that each story must fit onto two sides of 1.5 spaced A4. Other than that, it's up to you...

Bring your story along on 5 November. Or, if you can't make it then, email it to Jon.  

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