Monday, 12 August 2019

Next meeting: Tues 13 Aug - Bullet-Point Stories

Next meeting of the very-nearly-legendary Dalston Writing Group will be Tues 13 Aug, 6.00 to 7.30pm.

For this session we thought we'd return to a perennial favourite -  flash fiction, but with a very specific rubric: sketching out an idea for a novel or short story in (approximately) 10 bullet-points. But wait! Hang on! There's more!  Rather than using bald plot-points ('Lionel wakes up in a tent on a Carlisle roundabout and has no idea how he got there'), each development must be a piece of descriptive prose that somehow captures the essence of a scene. ('Light seeps through Lionel's closed eyes. He smells grass and petrol. He extends his only leg but his size is contained. Zimelda's door key is in his dirty hand.') 

We have no idea what's going on with Lionel there, by the way. We hope he's alright. 

Anyway, hopefully you get the idea. 

Below is Jon's attempt to do exactly this for the Linking Libraries project, curated by artist Foster Spagge, more details of which will follow. (We know it's quite hard to read the actual words in this image. We'll do a print-out on Tues, in the unlikely event that it'll help. We'll also provide some prompts.) 

The Map of Hackney Accidents

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